While the rebellion within Airspace rages, Warren "Codger" Codge starts a telelink to all leaders in the region. He begins to speak.
Greetings brave nations!
It is a tumultuous time, but it's as good as any to call the first meeting of the Airspace Imperium, the union of nations from Warzone Airspace. Whilst we may have our differences internally -as expected from ambitious warring states, and obviously by our varied responses to the rebellion in Husten and elsewhere- I am heartened by our shared belief to make this region great, and your confidence in me to head the Imperium as Chancellor and Delegate.
The Imperium concerns the role and policy of Warzone Airspace as a region. Your nation's sovereignty is unaffected. It has two main responsibilities. First is to provide security to the region we all reside and depend on and to develop our external policy to other regions. Second is our response to resolutions in the World Assembly. These duties are discharged through the Chancellor on behalf of all nations in Airspace.
As current Chancellor, I have decided to share my decision making (at least to what can be revealed publicly) to the region. I believe it is only appropriate for the endorsements you've placed at me to this position. What follows my are two reports to the region, the Security Report and the World Assembly Report.
The Security Report
Through your endorsements to elect me Chancellor and Delegate, I had been granted authority to access the World Assembly's air force to defend the region. They allow me to call an offensive air strike against any nation in the region, which will forcibly air lift and eject them to The Rejected Realms. Rest assured that I appreciate this great power and that I will not use it for internal matters; no matter how disappointed Codger's Settlement is at some nations' inaction on the Husten Rebellion. It will only be used against external invaders who threaten the security the region and all our nations within, and usurpers who threaten the stability of the Imperium before the next election.
On that note, if you have not done so already, please endorse your Chancellor Delegate Warzone Codger to improve the security of this region. More endorsements makes it more difficult for others overthrow the Chancellor and the Imperium, preventing invaders from accessing these air strikes to destroy the region. As these powers are provided by the World Assembly, you need to join the World Assembly to give endorsements - this offers other opportunities for your nation to participate in and is only a small obligation for the safety of the region.
Some of you have raised questions about the "Endocap" policy. The answer is to introduce a simple security measure. Nations who have endorsements past the cap are considered threats to the region and the Imperium, and action would be taken. However nations who have shown dedication will be given exception as a sign our trust to them. I believe this is a best policy to prevent invaders and to encourage activity in the region.
The World Assembly Report
Joining the World Assembly is both a privilege and a responsibility. In return for the ability to give endorsements to elect a Delegate to protect the region, you also agree to participate and be bound the the laws the World Assembly legislates. This is only a minor obligation, and many find pleasure at the opportunity to influence world legislation. Some like your Chancellor even drafted their own to take to the world. As your Delegate, I have been given "bonus" votes for each endorsement I receive; it is another reason to endorse your delegate so the views of Airspace can have a greater say to the world. Note that your nation can also vote itself and it does not have to vote the same way as your Delegate's, but it maximises our influence if a consensus is reached as we do.
The current resolution is "Medical Facilities Protection" and it was written by your Delegate. I wrote it as response to the bloodshed seen in the conflicts of our ever-fighting Warzone region with a hope that its worst excess would be lessened. It protects against the attacking of hospitals and other medical facilities in war and I urge all of you to follow with the Imperium and vote a FOR it. It would be a brighter day for ourselves and the world.
Nations, please share your thoughts below.
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